All-in-one postor board view not avaiolable
All-in-one postor board view not avaiolable

The title section should also include the names of the people involved in the work. Keep your title short and to the point so as to grab the attention of the viewer.You may also want to include a section detailing suggestions for further work you could recommend how your work could be developed, or suggest other tests that could be applied.

all-in-one postor board view not avaiolable

  • Typically, a poster should contain: a title section, abstract or summary, short introduction, aims and objectives, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions.
  • By comparison, scientific posters will have a more detailed and complex content. billboards and poster campaigns) tend to be very visual with a non-technical content. For example, posters that are conveying a simple message (e.g.
  • Think about your audience and what you are trying to achieve with your poster, as this will help to determine your poster style.
  • all-in-one postor board view not avaiolable

    Be clear as to the message that the poster is presenting so that relevant results are presented and discussed. The purpose of a poster is not to simply stick every single bit of information you have on a board, but to be succinct and clear in what you are trying to present. Once you know this, you can begin to work out how much information you can to include.

  • Determine how large your poster will be and how much space you have been allocated.
  • Below are some suggested guidelines to help you prepare a successful and effective poster.

    all-in-one postor board view not avaiolable

    A successful poster will not only attract a viewer's attention, but will also outline accurately and concisely the aims, workings, and conclusions of your scientific research. They are static, visual displays that enable you to directly discuss your work and receive instantaneous feedback.Īlthough it is assumed that the poster will do most of the talking, it is the role of the presenter to answer questions and explain the work in further detail. Posters can be a useful medium in scientific communication and are regularly used in presentations at meetings and conferences. As an engineer, it is important to be able to communicate your work and ideas effectively using a variety of presentational methods.

    All-in-one postor board view not avaiolable